After the success of the ON THE BUSES movie a second film was to be made,
but what to call it?
newspaper ran a competition for people to send in ideas for a movie title. The winner was non other than a real life bus driver called BOB BUTLER. As well as the prize
money the winner would get a VIP trip to the Elstree Film Studios to meet the cast of ON THE BUSES.
Sadly Bob Butler is no longer with us, but his Grandson Gareth
kindly send in photos to the fan club for fans to see for the first time
On the right we see the BUTLER FAMILY
on that special day with the cast of ON THE BUSES in 1972
Below Bob Butler and his family

We used to have inspector
His surname was Oscar all inspectors were called checkers, at Laird St One of the lads bred budgies and had bought
one in for a driver and had put it just by the runners of the door on an old back loader, he was early at the terminus and
when Oscar saw him he just jerked the door open and and it crushed the bird ,the diver was then called tweety pie and
the checker sylvester after the cartoon character's. In the film were they go through the safari park, i was the
first driver to take a bus from Birkenhead the Knowsly not with the same consequence. My eldist son is having
his weding in London and the transport from Hotel to reg office then to Harrods for meal then on to the Elizabeathen
is by open top bus and he is having the photos on the window of the bus . So the spirt lives on. Next year
we will try to get to the covension Regards Rob
